Thank you to everyone who came out for our July meeting! We kicked off our first charity event. The "2012 Hat Drive" to benefit Halos of Hope. We have set a goal of 500 hats to donate to Halos of Hope. If you are curious to know a little more about the organization and their goals you can check out the website here: Halos of Hope.
As an added incentive, for those who come to the guild meetings in Aug/Sept and bring finished hats, you will receive a raffle ticket. In Sept, at our 2 year anniversary meeting I will do a drawing and the winner will receive a really nice basket with crochet stuff and all kinds of other goodies. So get to crocheting those hats, the more you finish the more tickets you get and the better chance you have to win!
I have also placed drop off boxes at four businesses who have been gracious enough to let us. This way we can encourage other members in the community to make hats and contribute. These are the Frederick Senior Center and:
I also have a dedicated page now on the website for folks to get more info. You can see it on the menu bar above. I hope everyone has a great August and I can't wait to see all the fantastic hats!!