In January, AC Moore changed their room rate for us. In that time many of you have made suggestions that we should relocate our meeting place. I have been trying to find somewhere else willing to accommodate us and that individuals would feel comfortable coming too. I recently spoke with the manager at Borders Bookstore on 355 and they have graciously agreed to let us meet at the bookstore at no charge. We will be meeting in the coffee shop lounge area near the front of the store. We will continue to meet on the last Tuesday of each month. Although they do not provide a private room, there are a couple of local groups who meet at Borders Bookstore and find them very accommodating. I think, for now, this solves our location issue. So please remember, we will be meeting at Borders Bookstore until further notice. And BONUS, it's right next to a craft store . . . what's not to like about that, right?
Each meeting we will work on a new square at the end of the project, you will have a nice sampler afghan to display. It will allow us to explore new stitches and help each other out. For those of you who were unable to attend (like me), here is a link to the May Square. Also, to give you a jump on June or if you will not be able to attend our June meeting, here is a link to the June Square. I am going to start a page on our website to show each month's square and keep the links in one place so you can all have access as is convenient for you. Be sure to bring your hook and yarn to work on the square during our meeting.
I look forward to seeing all of you on June 28th from 6-8 pm at Borders Bookstore Café, 5533 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD.