
Thursday, December 23, 2010

South Mountain Knitters Meeting 12/21/10

We had a nice intimate meeting of the South Mountain Knitters on 12/21.  This is such a busy time of year, we totally understand everyone's commitments.  Kyrie showed us how she blocks her projects using a blocking board, wires and pins.  I know I learned a lot from her demo.  She volunteered to do it again for us at a future meeting when we have more folks attending. Our next meeting will be January 18, 2011 at 7PM.  Evelyn will give a demo of the magic loop method of knitting in the round.  Have a wonderful holiday season everyone and knit on!

Friday, December 3, 2010

SMC November Meeting

The South Mountain Crocheters had a wonderful meeting on the 30th!  Thank you to everyone who came out.  Here are some of the highlights if you missed it.
  • Stephanie demonstrated and assisted some of the members with learning to crochet in the round. 
  • We discussed the generous donation from Mr. Clarence Fogle of yarn in memory of his late wife.  The members who were present signed a thank you card and took home som of the yarn.  We also discussed using some of the yarn at our January meeting to make 6" charity squares.  If you would like to get a jump on making them I have plenty of yarn.  Email me and we can set a time to meet so you may get some free yarn.  Stephanie will be collecting the squares to send.
  • The South Mountain Crocheters and Knitters will be meeting at 9:30 am at the parking lot of Joann's for a day trip to The Mannings in East Berlin PA.  If you are interested simply show up and car pooling will be arranged at that time.  We will visit the Mannings and stop for lunch on the way back.
  • Our next meeting will be in January on the 25th.  We are hoping Catherine will be available to demonstrate the making of the rugs by recycling plastic grocery bags.  Once I have confirmaion on this I will notify everyone if they need to bring supplies.
I hope that everyone has a fantastic holiday season and wish everyone the best.  Enjoy crocheting your gifts and hope to see everyone in January.  Again, if you would like to make some 6" charity squares email me at for details and if you would like to use the free yarn.

See you all soon!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

South Mountain Knitters November Meeting

A big thank you to everyone who braved the crazy weather to attend our guild meeting on Tuesday evening.  Here are the highlights:

Allison gave a lovely demonstration on how to tie scarves in creative ways.  She also had handouts for us to use at home practicing with our scarves.

Our field trip to The Mannings Handweaving School and Supply Center on December 4, 2010 is a go.  We will meet at 9:30 AM in the Joann’s parking lot closest to Famous Dave’s Barbeque.  We’ll carpool to The Mannings in East Berlin, PA.  After we have shopped, we’ll stop for lunch at The Mountain Gate Restaurant in Thurmont, MD.  This will be a lot of fun.  Feel free to bring a friend. 

Our next meeting will be December 21, 2010 from 7-9 PM at the Roy Roger’s Restaurant, 301 Ballenger Center Drive. 

In December, Kyrie will give us a lesson on blocking.

In January, Evelyn will demonstrate the Magic Loop Technique.

Always feel free to bring some show and tell items.

Hope we see you all in December.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

South Mountain Crocheters have a GREAT turnout!

I was so excited to see so many new faces at our October meeting!  We all had a great time getting to know each other, sharing our projects, and helping each other. 
A special thanks to the Frederick News Post for coming to our meeting and doing a story about our guild.  Keep watch for the article in an upcoming issue.
During our meeting we discussed some ideas for future meetings.  We decided to allow volunteers to demonstrate stitches or techniques or to discuss a topic at each meeting.  Stephanie has volunteered to demonstrate crocheting in the round for our November meeting.  Catherine has offered to demonstrate a way to recycle plastic grocery bags to make a rug for our January meeting.  Thank you to both ladies.  If you are interested in doing a demonstration or sharing a topic please leave a note in the comments area.
The group also discussed organizing CALs (Crochet-a-longs) and Stephanie has offered to organize them for us.  We will discuss options for our first CAL which will begin sometime after the new year.  Thank you to everyone who made suggestions and if you have anything in particular you would like us to do as  CAL, please post it in the comments area.
Check out our page here on the website.  I have posted a slideshow gallery of pictures!  If you would like a picture of your project posted, email it to me at and I will get it posted.
Our next meeting is in November on the 30th.  I hope to see everyone there!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

South Mountain Knitters October Meeting

Our October gathering was fun and we had eight knitters attending.  We discussed the following topics:

1.  Our blog that was created by Kristina from the Crochet Guild. Thank you Kristina!

2.  There was interest in our combined guilds field trip to The Mannings on Saturday Dec. 4, 2010 and a possible yarn crawl in March/April.

3.  Some folks worked on some Master Knitter swatches and other discussed the possibility of beginning this project in the future.

4.  Susan read a funny page from the book, At Knits End.

5.  We discussed different weights of yarns and had a demo on using a wraps per inch gadget for yarns without clear labeling.

6.  Upcoming meeting topics:
     November 16, 2010:  Allison will demonstrate some creative ways to wrap knitted scarves
     December  21, 2010:  Kyrie will facilitate a discussion about blocking

NEW MEETING TIME:  Everyone decided that meeting at six o'clock was too difficult so we will be meeting at seven o'clock to nine o'clock in the future.

So, we meet the Third Tuesday of the month from 7-9PM!  See you there!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Field Trip to The Mannings

Mark your calendars. The South Mountain Guilds (knitters and crocheters) are taking a field trip to The Mannings in East Berlin, PA on Saturday, December 4, 2010. We will be carpooling from Frederick, leaving at 9:00 and can meet up with folks along the way.  If you've never been to The Mannings, you are in for a major treat!  More discussion to follow.  Contact me if you need more details now.  


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

South Mountain Guilds are on Ravelry!

Thanks to Susan for starting a Ravelry group for the South Mountain Guilds!!  If you are already a member of you can find our group here South Mountain Guilds.

If you aren't a member, membership is free!  Ravelry is a worldwide online community of knitters, crocheters, and fiber enthusiasts.  There are thousands of patterns and great project ideas. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

South Mountain Crocheters meet for the first time!

The South Mountain Crocheters met on Sept. 21st.  We had the opportunity to meet along with the South Mountain Knitters and meet people interested in both knitting and crocheting.  Many of the members have decided to work on the Bernat Mystery CAL - you can find information here if you would like to join us:
           Bernat Mystery CAL

The next SMC meeting will be held on October 26, 2010 and November 30, 2010 from 6 to 8pm at AC Moore in Frederick (7330 Guilford Drive Frederick, MD 21704).  We will be meeting on the last Tuesday of each month except for December for the holidays.  I will post an announcement here if there are any changes to this date.  Also our meetings will be posted on the Calendar page here.

In the coming months we will discuss some ideas for possible classes and charity projects.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions!!  Hope to see everyone at our next meeting!!


The First South Mountain Knitters Meeting

The First Meeting of the South Mountain Knitters, an affiliated chapter of The Knitting Guild Association met last evening (9/21/10).
I have a good feeling about our guild chapter.
Our next meetings have been scheduled to meet in the meeting room at the Roy Roger’s off of Ballenger Creek. The address is:
  • 301 Ballenger Center Drive, Frederick, MD
  • Meeting Dates/Times: October 19, 6-8PM
  • November 16, 6-8 PM
  • December 21, 6-8 PM
I’m happy that our group is interested in learning new techniques and knitting ideas. To kick that off, at the October meeting I plan to give a couple of brief knitting related book reviews and present an idea of how we might share our personal libraries with one another.
We plan to have mini lessons at our future meetings on techniques and knitting related topics. Also, we would like to have the opportunity to do mini one-on-one classes with new knitters to get them going with a simple project.
Please join us if you can. Contact me with questions.
